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Michael Farrell
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"the blue pertains"

the blue pertains you cant small bird the age to do that & die with a red questions
on smellevision the beer was ask & heading yonder by the busted instead of
going to the carnival crazy a cute german for a name a red questions on
smellevision was ask & heading yonder by to the carnival crazy for a name the
blue pertains you cant small & die with a red questions          heading yonder by
the bu the carni name the blue pertains              beer was ask & heading yonder
by the of going to the cute german for a name the blue pertains you to do that &
ons on smellevi to the carnival crazy the ins you          cant small     the age to do
that ions on sme ing yonder by the bu     german for a name the blue pertains
you with a red questi on the beer was ask & he in       stead of going to        the
carnival          crazy a cute german for a name the blue pe that & die with a red
questions on sme & heading yon der by the bu sted instead of going to the ca y a
cute a name the blue bird the age to do that on smellevisi beer was ask &
heading yonder by going to the ca         & die with a red qu the beer was ask &
heading yo ing to the carnival crazy a blue pertains & die with a red questi
          al crazy a cute pertains you cant small bird the age to on

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