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Ethan Paquin
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Still Water

but what is this but what

the   fragmentary nature of

a   riverbed   and its     lull

fragmented nature

      of its      spring-fed doxa
spring-fed     doxa                   proximity

                          father’ s farm

father’s skiff        father’s   dory

                             grand found truth in dory acast asea
                                               writhe sea, undular sea
     writing   skipping notion


still sea yet river’d sea

still sea yet   anchor’d   harbour’d   and
yet     this is still

more    still    than black

more still than what the urchin knows not

more still than fire turned against us

more still than a name convoluted for ease for
 a listener’s ease     for but one listener

more murmurs    and murmur    and    back


o forgot-about field

field that says   must rhyme or complete or

the field that it compels water to meet

the field that it compels water to meet

the field that it compels water to meet thusly as a water shall become that which shall be another

that   which    was    not    water but    is    by    some compellor

a friend of water


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